There's GOLD in them hills ... and on your CELL PHONE! Strike it rich with this fun, colorful grip – and you can take that to the bank!
Made in the USA
Fast service!!
It slides into my pocket just fine, but stays on the bean bag without sliding off. I'm not particularly clumsy, but my phone was so slick before that I came close to dropping it a few times. The cat tongue grip solved my problem, plain and simple.
I've been using this for about a week now and unfortunately it just will not stay stuck to my phone. Probably because my phone (Razr 5G) is super slippery (which is the whole reason I got this grip).
Looks good - check
Easy to cut to size - check
Grips other surfaces so my phone quits sliding around everywhere - check
Stays on the back of my phone - unfortunately no. With each day the adhesion worsens (as dust creeps in I guess). I might try superglue, or I might switch to an actual phone case, which I wanted to avoid.
I've had it for only a week, but I could tell immediately that this product was going to provide the grip I wanted. It works great.